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Showing posts from March, 2022

What Does An Elder Law Medicaid Attorney Do?

"What does an elder law Medicaid attorney do?" This is a question that we frequently hear, as many people simply don't know about the benefits of working with an elder law Medicaid attorney. As we all get older and life progresses, we will run into so many situations where we must work with doctors, banks, and even attorneys. Someday, we might even need an elder law and/or Medicaid attorney. Elder Law vs. Medicaid Attorneys? We must first understand the difference between "elder law attorneys" and “Medicaid attorneys’.” These professionals are sometimes confused with one another, but there is indeed a difference; Although there is often overlap between these two jobs, elder law attorneys are not always trained in Medicaid law, and Medicaid lawyers are not always trained in elder law. A Medicaid attorney is a type of lawyer who specializes in handling the legal and financial issues that arise when dealing with Medicaid. What Do These Attorney's Do? Med